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Oct. 19, 2015
 Town of Princeton, Mass. – October 19, 2015  -- 5:30 PM

5:45 PM  The meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chairman Edith Morgan, Jon Fudeman, Stan Moss and T.A. Nina Nazarian.
The employment contract for highway superintendent Glenn Lyons was reviewed by him and by town counsel and minor changes were made. Selectmen voted all in favor to accept the highway superintendent’s contract—including the minor changes--as approved at the previous executive session on Oct. 5.
Funding options have been gathered by an Ad-Hoc Committee for Fieldstone Farm, who will meet with selectmen, Ag. Commissioner John Lebeaux and state Rep. Kim Ferguson on Thursday. For a LAND grant application, a special town meeting must be held before Dec. 31. Stan noted that any town borrowing is contingent on other grants or funding sources being in place.
Nina announced that town hall walkways are being asphalt paved as a temporary measure instead of the granite paver final repair, since construction activity on and around Bagg Hall may be damaging and should be completed before the walkways are completed. She also noted that a part-time police officer is leaving for a fulltime position in Acton, so a police vacancy will be posted internally.
6:00 PM – Agricultural Commission came in with Walter Gowey, chair, Chad Steiner, John Mirick and Lauren Stimson. They reported on events such as Hey Day at Wachusett Meadows in October and Princeton Farm Day in May, produced with the Princeton Arts Council. They discussed budgeting to hire expert speakers for a series of seminars, maybe six per year, on relevant topics, staring with a soil specialist. Commissioners also explained some of their own agricultural projects.
6:15 PM Selectmen signed warrants and voted all in approve regular minutes and executive session minutes from Oct 5.
        Nina announced that Barre Savings Bank invited selectmen to a Business After Hours at their branch at Post Office Place for Oct. 21 at 5:30 – 7:30 PM. She also explained an update from Monty Tech concerning quarterly payments.
6:30 PM – Cemetery Commission came in with Lynne Grettum, chair, & members Lou Trostel and Paul Constantino along with Supt. Andy Brown. Lynne noted that the commissioners want to thank employees, including new-hires Jami Deloge and T.A. Nina N. She shared news about the cemeteries: Woodlawn got a repaving with some recycled road grindings donated from Westminster, and it will need compost material for lawns as the soil there is too sandy. A crew from the county jail helped clear lots of brush and overgrowth this season. West Cem. has a new flagpole. Lot sales have increased, with 25 lots sold in 2015.
The group also expressed gratitude to Charlie Albrecht who has been maintaining Parker #1 Cemetery as a tax write-off. Recently, ground radar was used to check the status of unclaimed lots, which may become available for re-sale. The commission would like to expand use of North Cemetery by create tiers into the hillside for cremation lots. Lynne and Andy explained that shrubs and other plantings are a problem as some were not maintained over the years and are way overgrown. There are no rules or regulations concerning plantings and the commission wants to work with selectmen to establish some guidelines about size of monuments and what people can plant and where, taking maintenance and safety into account.
        Another issue is the one-acre Boylston Cemetery, which was deeded to the town in 1827 but dedicated to use only of Boylston family descendants, of which there are none left in town. Andy asked “What (can we) do with it?” since the trust fund that came with the deed for perpetual maintenance no longer is sustainable with the interest income. Lynne has researched Mass Gen. Law and will look into town records and the deed, to see what provisions might be indicated. It’s become a pressing issue because five dead trees at the site need removal for a cost of thousands of dollars.
        The two boards discussed trucks and other vehicles the cemetery staff has been using, which are handed down from the Highway Dept. and maintained by the same. They also discussed a long-term tree plan to replace dead or dying trees; the efficiency of doing it piecemeal or in big batches; and, working it into the tree warden budget.
        Selectmen expressed praise about the high energy on the commission and efforts showing results-- things are getting done.

7:15 PM  Selectmen voted all in favor to adjourn. The scheduled meeting with Senator Chandler and Representative Ferguson was modified to be before the Advisory Board only and therefore was not part of the Selectmen’s meeting.

 Respectfully submitted, Admin. Assistant Marie Auger

BOS Referenced Documents: Contract for highway superintendent;

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department